What you may discover when you begin to organize is that there are usually many layers to your system of belongings. Your things may be...
Any time can be a great time to re-assess where you are with yourself and what you truly want. As I have mentioned in earlier tips,...
When decluttering and organizing, keep distractions to a minimum. Commit yourself to small tasks or projects that can be achieved in a...
Sometimes it is easier to motivate yourself to do something you don't want to do- but really need to- when you piggyback or tag this task...
You want to create your dreams? Well you can start by literally making room for them. Everything needs space in order to breathe and...
Take a step
Take a step towards what you want. Just one step. I promise you that one step, any step will create some movement and momentum in your...
What if there was a non judgmental approach to creating movement in your life? What if your path in life could never be wrong? What if...
Imagine that your physical world is alive. Your home or space is a living breathing force, an energetic companion surrounding you and...
Create clarity for yourself but stay connected to your creativity. The trick is to do what needs to be done without crucifying yourself...
You can organize without a plan of knowing exactly what to do. Instead, try holding a vision or a feeling for what you want to have...